时光荏苒,白驹过隙 (冬)| Tess DUMON 苔丝·杜蒙 纸上水粉,银箔75 x 105 cm 带框 88 x 118 cm Previous 时光荏苒,白驹过隙 (秋)| Tess DUMON 苔丝·杜蒙 Next “Merlin & Merlotte” 扶手对椅 | Hubert LE GALL 休伯特·勒加尔 其他作品 Nisky YUPrayer for the Light Nisky YUThe Measure of Exile Nisky YUStars of the Warring States Bruno GADENNEThe Great Reef Bruno GADENNEOceanic Landscape Bruno GADENNEGarden’s End Bruno GADENNEThe Coral Home Bruno GADENNEOddities Bruno GADENNEThe Lovers Bruno GADENNESaltwater III Bruno GADENNESaltwater IV Bruno GADENNESaltwater VIII